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Students for Human Life

Time Commitment:
Meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 7:30 – 7:55 a.m.
Room 201

“Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being’s entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign.”
– Blessed St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

General Information:

Students for Human Life is a BSM organization providing students with an opportunity to advocate for life at all of its stages and pursue a variety of ways to raise awareness that all life is sacred from conception till natural death.

Current Events:

  • Regular informative meetings on various life topics – Embryonic stem cells, Abortion, Death Penalty, etc.Suicide Awareness Week
  • Volunteer at Pregnancy centers
  • Minnesota March for Life
  • “Pro-life week” school-wide informational outreach
  • Live Ultrasound experience during Health class – May 5th
  • Mother’s Day Flowers for all students

Past Events Include:

  • Provided cupcakes for Life
  • Volunteered at North Side Life Care Center
  • Participated in the MCCL Pro-life Student Day on the state capitol – including lobbying senators and listening to pro-life legislation being debated
  • Gathered with students around the archdiocese to discuss life issues as a larger engaged community.
  • Participated in Archdiocesan sponsored prayer event outside abortion clinics
  • Participated at University of St. Thomas’ Roe vs. Wade on Trial
  • Helped host visit from Sr. Helen Prejean
  • Hosted the Invisible Children Project www.invisiblechildren.com and showed weekly films about the wars in central Africa.
  • Took trips to the Peace Bridge as a visible sign of prayerful unity around issues of peace.
  • Participated in the national pro-life rally in Washington D.C. in January.
  • Worked in tandem with the BSM drama class in the production of Dead Man Walking.

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